As the Bravest Warriors universe continues to grow with new animated episodes every week on Cartoon Hangover, along with longer-form tales each month in Boom! Studios' ongoing comic by Joey Comeau and Mike Holmes, it's become easier and easier for fans to pick their favorite character. If you're like Comeau and have a soft spot for the multi-brained occasional mermaid (and unofficial fifth Bravest Warrior) Plum, Bravest Warriors #6 is going to be your cup of tea when it arrives in stores and on digital devices in March. For a sampling of extra Plum goodness, you can take an early look at covers from the issue by Tyson Hesse, Nick Edwards, Kate Leth and Aaron Whitaker after the cut.From Boom Studios' official solicitation info:

BASED ON THE HIT SERIES FROM ADVENTURE TIME CREATOR PENDLETON WARD! The Bravest Warriors are deep undercover at an alien beauty pageant...but none of them are winning Miss Congeniality! Collect the connecting Nick Edwards B covers!

You can see all four covers from Bravest Warriors #6 below.

Tyson Hesse

Nick Edwards

Kate Leth

Aaron Whitaker

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