Bryan Fuller, whose departure from the writing team of "Heroes" was seen by some as a harbinger of doom for the troubled superhero show, recently announced that despite the cancellation of his triple Emmy Award-winning TV series "Pushing Daisies," he plans to continue to the series -- as a comic book with DC.

We talked to Fuller at Comic-Con about what's in store for "Pushing Daisies" after it moves from TV to print, and after he mentioned an interest in superhero comics, asked if he had any interest in writing superhero comics himself -- and he responded with an enthusiastic "yes!"

Since he's already got the hook-up with DC Comics, who knows what might be in store? Check out Fuller (right) reading a copy of "Wednesday Comics" next to dapper DC VP of Publicity David Hyde, and check back for the ComicsAlliance video interview with Fuller for more.

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