As a medium, comics has grown and shifted in so many interesting ways over the past century, and even further beyond that. Originally self-published in black and white, IDW are re-releasing Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey's enormously entertaining and informational The Comic Book History of Comics with colors by Adam Guzowski and the publisher has provided us with a look at the first issue.

Over the course of six issues, Comic Book History of Comics takes readers from the earliest days of the medium, to strips like Famous Funnies and The Yellow Kid and goes right through the most important moments in its history. Every important figure gets covered, and every notable moment is explained in a way that's not just educational and informative, but genuinely hilarious.

If you ever read the creative team's Action Philosophers this is in a similar vein, but with a focus on the modern history of an industry we all love, and sometimes hate a little bit too. The first issue is released on November 16, and will also be available with variant covers depicting historically inspired comic strips by Van Lente and Dunlavey

Check out the preview below:


Ryan Dunlavey


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Ryan Dunlavey & Adam Guzowski


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Ryan Dunlavey & Adam Guzowski


Layout 1
Ryan Dunlavey & Adam Guzowski


Layout 1
Ryan Dunlavey & Adam Guzowski


Layout 1
Ryan Dunlavey & Adam Guzowski


Here's the full solicitation information:

Comic Book History of Comics #1 (of 6)
Fred Van Lente (w) • Ryan Dunlavey (a & c)
For the first time ever, the inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga is presented in four-color glory! The award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey turn their irreverent-but-accurate eye to the stories of Jack Kirby, R. Crumb, Harvey Kurtzman, Alan Moore, Stan Lee, Will Eisner, Fredric Wertham, Roy Lichtenstein, Art Spiegelman, Herge, Osamu Tezuka – and more!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99


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