Marvel Comics Get the ‘What If’ Treatment at Comic Twart
Unlike the time Comic Twart told its contributors to each draw a piece of Sandman art, their Marvel Comics and "What If...?" themes demanded that artists stick within the confines of Spider-Man and Iron Man's universe. The flip side was that they could re-imagine established concepts however they saw fit, and the visions of Man-Thing and Rocket Raccoon that they produced made their final products worth the going.
If Chris Samnee's "Nick Fury and His Howling Avengers" concept alone over on the Comic Twart blog doesn't make you want to see their hypothetical stories brought to life, it's entirely possible that you shouldn't be reading superhero comic books to begin with. Additionally, Mike Hawthorne's Elektra and Dan Panosian's "Brothers and Gangsters" look like darn fine miniseries pitches if ever a fine miniseries pitch was conceived.
You'll see why along with some wicked Daredevil/Punisher and old-timey Thor/Avengers portraits among our favorite results below.
Evan "Doc" Shaner
Tom Fowler
Dan Panosian (Urban Barbarian)
Chris Samnee
Declan Shalvey
Mike Hawthorne
Francesco Francavilla
[Via Comic Twart]