On sale now is Dark Horse Presents #14, the new issue of Dark Horse's prestigious anthology series that showcases emerging talent alongside some of the greatest writers, artists and cartoonists comics has to offer, as well as promising new and underground talents. The book won an Eisner Award at this summer's San Diego Comic-Con for Best Anthology, and you may discover why in the new issue, which features Michael Avon Oeming (new Wild Rover!), Kelly Sue DeConnick and Phil Noto (new Ghost!), Carla Speed McNeil (new Finder!), Tony Puryear (new Concrete Park!), John Layman and Sam Kieth (new Aliens!), Bo Hampton and Robert Tinnell (new Riven!), Arvid Nelson and Juan Ferreyra (new Rex Mundi!), Nate Cosby and Evan Shaner (new Buddy Cops!), Steve Rude and Mike Baron (new Nexus!) and even more besides.

Riven page by Bo Hampton and Robert Tinnel

Riven page by Bo Hampton and Robert Tinnell

Wild Rover page by Michael Avon Oeming

Nexus page by Mike Baron, Steve Rude and Glenn Whitmore

Finder page by Carla Speed McNeil

Ghost page by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Phil Noto

Concrete Park page by Erika Alexander and Tony Puryear

Rex Mundi page by Arvid Nelson and Juan Ferreyra

Buddy Cops page by Nate Cosby and Evan Shaner

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