DC Comics All Access: Trinity War, Forever Evil, Sharknado [SDCC 2013]
DC Comics began its week-ish slate of Comic-Con programming with an "All Access" panel which mainly spotlighted previously announced publishing plans including the recently launched Trinity War and forthcoming Forever Evil and gave readers an opportunity to get some questions answered by: VP of Sales Bob Wayne, Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns, Justice League Dark/Animal Man/Green Arrow writer Jeff Lemire, The Flash co-writer and colorist Brian Buccellato, Batgirl and The Movement writer Gail Simone, Fables artist Mark Buckingham, Fairest cover artist Adam Hughes, Li'l Gotham co-writer Derek Fridolfs and Injustice: Gods Among Us writer Tom Taylor.
Highlights from the discussion are as follows.
- The Justice League Dark do not like being called the Justice League Dark.
- Jeff Lemire said that if Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are the "Holy Trinity" of the DC Universe, then John Constantine, Zatanna and Deadman are the DCU's "Unholy Trinity."
- Forever Evil is about what happens when the villains "win."
- What form Forever Evil will take is still kind of mysterious, but it will be drawn by David Finch.
- Lex Luthor is the main character of Forever Evil.
- Brian Buccellato wore an amusing Flash mask.
- Brian Buccellato will write Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion, starring the Flash rogues whom he described thusly: They're not the typical villain team. They don't have world domination ideas. They're about the score, about the job. They want to drink beer at the end of the day and know they've robbed something really expensive.
- The rogues find themselves unhappy with Lex Luthor's new world order. "Meet the new boss; same as the old boss" is how Buccellato described their attitude.
- Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion is a lot like The Warriors.
- While discussing his in-progress "Death of a King" storyline in which Aquaman and Mera encounter a man claiming to be the original King of Atlantis, writer Geoff Johns indicated that he has been inundated with Sharknado-related questions.
- Will Aquaman face the Sharknado? "No he will not. But he would win.
- Is a Sharknado possible? Could sharks survive in the tornado? "You should know that the answer is no."
- Jeff Lemire: "I'm really loving writing this book. Green Arrow is not a character I anticipated enjoying so much."
- Lemire intends to build a new mythology and cast around Green Arrow.
- A "Zero Year" crossover depicting the first meeting of Green Arrow and Batman. It will feature a "crude, early version of Green Arrow."
- Green Arrow's Forever Evil issue will focus on Count Vertigo. Lemire said "It's the darkest thing I've ever written."
- Green Arrow is building towards a conflict with the Outsiders in late 2013 or early 2014.
- Lemire is excited about working with new series artist Rafael Albuquerque: "It's incredible for me to finally work with him. He's one of my favorite artists. He brings a whole new tone to the book."
- Future stories will focus on Animal Man's celebrity and a space adventure.
- Lemire is writing, drawing and painting Trillium, a an eight-issue Vertigo book he described as "a sci-fi love story."
- The first issue is a double-sized flip-book in which the two narratives collide in the middle.
- Gail Simone said current artists Fernando Pasarin and Jonathan Glapion are "the best art team I've ever worked with, ever."
- "Fernando is so good at characterization, we can build so much on the page without dialogue or captions. You know by the body language what's going on."
- "Everyone is about to fall apart" is how Simone described the status quo as Batgirl considers retirement over the fact that her father, Commissioner Gordon, believes her to have committed a murder.
- Simone praised The Movement #5 cover by Dan Panosian "It's a woman of color who happens to be gay. It speaks to the youth of today."
- The Movement will "take on the police" in a story drawn by Freddie Williams II.
- Simone said The Movement is what Teen Titans would be like were it created today: "People in the crowd with social networking, covert actions, secrets, and stationed all over the world. That power is huge."
- Gen13's Rainmaker will make her New 52 debut in a future issue, where other characters will refer to her as "The Weather Witch."
- Adam Hughes proves a wraparound cover and presumably illustrations for a hardback Fables Encyclopedia.
- Mark Buckingham described the Fables crossover with The Unwritten as a kind of super-collaboration between himself, Peter Gross, Mike Carey and Bill Willingham.
- Derek Fridolfs said most of the writing occurs when he and co-writer/artist Dustin Nguyen are on convention journey, late at night.
- The next issue is Comic-Con themed: "Gotham Con rivals San Diego in size and craziness. Even Batman has a tough time getting tickets."
- Tom Taylor described the book as "The story of the breakup of the world's finest friendship... of why Batman and Superman want to tear out each other's spleens."
- The series has been uncommonly popular, with the first five print issues going back to press.
- The Injustice annual features Harley Quinn and Lobo. Taylor said the pair "Mix in ways you never would have expected.
Q: If Captain Marvel is now called Shazam, what's Mary Marvel going to be called?
A: She will be referred to as Mary but will have a new name soon.
Q: What's Johns' next major project now that his run Green Lantern has concluded?
A: "See what happens next year."
Q: Were there alternate endings to Johns' Green Lantern run?
A: A few were brainstormed but the one published was Johns' definitive conclusion.
Q: What's up with Doom Patrol?
A: Utter silence.
Q: Does Jeff Lemire have plans to reintroduce the Black Canary/Green Arrow romance in the New 52?
A: No. Lemire remarked, "Before the New 52 Green Arrow was so defined by Black Canary... the longer we wait to get them together, the more story possibilities there are."
Q: When will Booster Gold get his own title again?
A: Ask Dan DiDio.
Q: Will Simone ever explain how Barbara Gordon regained the use of her legs?
A: Simone: "You'll get pieces as we go along."
Q: Will Batgirl's trans roommate lead to storylines about LGBT rights?
A: Simone: "The goal is to treat [that character] as normal as possible" but "issues" may be discussed more dramatically in The Movement.