What You Might Have Missed In DC’s March 2017 Solicitations
Every month, comic publishers release their solicitation announcements to provide information to readers and retailers on comics that are coming out in three months’ time, but there’s so much information dropped at once that a lot can slip through the cracks.
This month in DC's March solicitations, there are a few big shake-ups in the two Titans books as each team gets a new member that fans have been waiting to see for a long time. There are also some interesting developments with Wonder Woman's villains, and possible answers to the mystery of the two Supermen coming our way next year.
Aqualad Returns!
Teen Titans #6 (Benjamin Percy, Khoi Pham & Wade Von Grawbadger)After the surprise return of Jackson Hyde in DC Universe Rebirth #1 and the confirmation that the fan-favorite Young Justice character is gay, DC Comics left us waiting for half a year to see where he'd turn up next. Now it seems that he'll be joining Robin's Teen Titans in a storyline called "The Rise of Aqualad," which will see the new hero come to terms with his powers as he joins the ranks of DC's greatest teen team.
Khoi PhamKhoi Pham Bumblebee Rebirth!
Titans #9 (Dan Abnett, Brett Booth & Norm Rampund)Bumblebee is one of DC's most prominent characters in media such as the DC Super Hero Girls line of merchandise, but she's never had much focus in the comics themselves. She was re-introduced in last year's Titans Hunt, but most of her time was spent pregnant at home waiting for her husband. Thankfully, the character will finally get a spotlight next year when she joins The Titans and takes a place of prominence in the DC Universe, similar to her notability outside of it.
Brett BoothBrett Booth Superman Resurrected?
Action Comics #976 (Dan Jurgens, Doug Mahnke & Jaime Mendoza)Since the return of Pre-Flashpoint Superman, the question has remained: What the heck is going on with all these Supermen? Next year, the answers will finally be revealed in a month-long crossover between Action Comics and Superman. While all we have is speculation so far, the cover to the crossover's final issue sure suggests that Electric Blue and Electric Red Superman may just be the key to figuring it all out.
Patrick GleasonPatrick Gleason Arsenal Rises!
Green Arrow #19 (Benjamin Percy & Eleanora Carlini)The mandate at the core of DC Rebirth seems to be undoing a lot of the changes made by The New 52, which disrupted relationships and one of the biggest disruptions was between Green Arrow and his sidekick Arsenal, formerly Speedy. Next year, after over five years of resentment and bad blood, Roy Harper finally returns to Green Arrow, but it won't be without resolving their issues first.
Wonder Woman's Rogues Re-imagined!
Wonder Woman #18 & 19 (Greg Rucka, Bilquis Eveley and Liam Sharp)Slowly but surely — and across two timelines — the Wonder Woman team are working hard to rebuild the iconic character's larger world, and that includes the enemies. In the flashback issues, Greg Rucka and Bilquis Evely will reintroduce classic villain Dr. Cyber, while in the present, Rucka and Liam Sharp introduce a group called Poison, which may be a new interpretation of another classic villain, Dr. Poison. Wonder Woman's roster of villains is a lot stronger than people give her credit for, and hopefully 2017 is the year everyone sees that.
Liam SharpLiam Sharp
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