Diamond Select Toys Announces ‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’ Minimates
Diamond Select Toys and Art Asylum had a LOT of characters to choose from when putting together their X-Men: Days of Future Past Minimates line, but it seems the toymakers were able to narrow down their wave to just eight Merry Mutants from two time periods. Due out this summer are two packs pairing Future Professor X with Past Magneto, Future Magneto with Past Mystique, Future Wolverine with Future Storm, and Past Logan with Past Charles Xavier.
The lineup of Marvel Minimates Wave 58 may seem a bit sparse, but when coupled with previous X-Men 3, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, X-Men: First Class and The Wolverine Minimates releases, things seem a little more filled out.
If you thought Professor X's hoverchair looked kind of goofy on the Photoshop-athon that was the first Days of Future Past movie poster, Diamond Select Toys and Art Asylum's freshly-unveiled Minimates should help restore your faith in Charles' futuristic form of conveyance.
There aren't any sentinels -- vintage or futuristic -- in this first wave, but fans can always track down the 8" tall 2007 Minimates Max Sentinel, the posable 2" Sentinel from Marvel Minimates Wave 33 circa 2010 or the most recent Marvel Vs. Capcom Sentinel from 2012 to fill the mutant-murdering void in their lives.
Preorders for the X-Men: Days of Future Past Minimates will kick off later this week at a variety of online retailers, with the toys popping up at retail later this summer (most likely around when DoFP opens in theaters on May 23).
[Via MTV]