Hey! You wanna see a collection of more than 150 pieces of really cool Dragon Ball fanart? Good news, you can currently name your price for a digital collection by some of the coolest artists this side of Namek.

The Dragon Ball Zine, a beautifully produced collection of fan art from Akira Toriyama's hyper-popular manga series (and the anime adaptation) is pay-what-you-like on Gumroad right now. A print version is also available for $20.

Here's a rundown of the artists who contributed to the print edition, with the digital version containing even more talent:

Adrian Bloch
Alexandre Diboine
Andrew Schick
Babs Tarr
Ben Sears
Corey Lewis
David Alegre
Disa Wallander
Dudu Magalhãess
Emily Partridge
Jacob Canepa
Jasmine Monterroso
Jenn Woodall
Joanna Krótka
Joe Wierenga
Kat Bride
Katie So
Leslie Hung
Luis NCT
Maxence Henry
Mike Jones
Natalie Hall
Olivier Menanteau
Randy Godawa
Ricardo Bessa
Richie Pope
Sachin Teng
Sean Dockery
Stefan Tosheff
Wren McDonald

Fore more preview art, you can head over to the Dragon Ball Zine's Tumblr.


Dragon Ball Zine Jenn Woodall
Jenn Woodall
Dragon Ball Zine Jake Wyatt
Jake Wyatt


Dragon Ball Zine Ben Sears
Ben Sears


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