It's going to be a busy San Diego Comic-Con for First Second. On top of a hefty schedule of panels and signings, FS will be rolling out three original graphic novels: Genius by Steven T. Seagle and Teddy Kristiansen, Templar by Jordan Mechner, LeUyen Pham, Alex Puvilland and Hilary Sycamore, and Paul Pope's The Death of Haggard West.


Seagle and Kristiansen's book Genius seems right at home at SDCC given that both storytellers are Eisner Award winners with extensive comics pedigrees. It tells the story of a quantum physicist who discovers his father-in-law has been harboring an earth-shattering secret told to him by his late friend Albert Einstein. Kristiansen's expressive, layered art navigates the world inside, outside and around the mind of the book's protagonist as he narrates his struggle to decide whether or not this secret is worth keeping.

Depending on how many Assassin's Creed games you've played or how many Shriner buggies you had to dodge going to parades in your youth, you may or may not have a skewed sense of who the Knights of Templar were or what they did during the Crusades and afterward. Templar's no history book, but it will provide readers interested in the mystique of the group and its supposed treasures with a 480 page hardcover's worth of Medieval action.

At 32 pages, Pope's The Death of Haggar West is meant to be read like a traditional super hero comic book, although it's anything but. The final installment of a faux 101-issue series, TDoH quickly introduces readers to a pulp hero on his final mission. His death, however, isn't the end of the story. In fact, the comic is a prelude to Pope's Battling Boy, which is set for release this fall.

Fans who pick up the books at SDCC can also have them signed by several of their respective attending creators, including Mechner, Seagle, Kristiansen and Pope.

You can preview all three of First Second's SDCC debuts below.

Genius by Steven T. Seagle and Teddy Kristiansen





Templar by Jordan Mechner, LeUyen Pham, Alex Puvilland and Hilary Sycamore





The Death of Haggard West by Paul Pope



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