The recent news that Zak Snyder plans on shooting "Xerxes," the "sort of sequel" to Frank Miller's "300" in 3D is a gentle reminder that the innovative "Sin City" and "The Dark Knight Returns" creator has never let a little thing like historical accuracy get in the way of a good story. It's a good thing too, because as demonstrated by the imagination of College Humor's Caldwell Tanner, Miller's retelling of some other major events would likely have resulted in a pretty awesome (if partially grim and/or gritty) timeline.

Although she never actually said, "Let them eat cake", there's no question this version of the former Queen of France, Marie Antoinette, likes to dish up her cake with a heaping side of fist.

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther made his disgust with the Church's "get out of hell free" cards public. Although he didn't go to the extremes pictured above, or break out into a rap song, it would have been way cooler if he did.

Some scholars dispute whether or not Betsy Ross created America's first official flag. But. I don't think those scholars are going to argue with this version of Mrs. Ross, do you?

John Wilkes Booth, as part of a conspiracy to overthrow the Union and give the Confederacy one last shot at victory, assassinated President Lincoln. History would have been way better if this happened instead.

The Boondocks's Robert "Granddad" Freeman may have a problem with Rosa Parks for "stealing his thunder," but somehow I don't think Frank Miller would be doing history any favors with a portrayal like this.

Marie Curie paid a hefty price for her scientific research, so any attention brought to her and her achievements in science can only be a good thing.
The images above may be jokes (for now), but Frank Miller is still working on "Holy Terror," his "It's not Batman but it still kind of is" vs. Al Qaeda book.

Who knows what historical figure or current event will fall on his radar screen when he's done? I'd love to see his take on the previous presidential election. If his book is anything like Alan Moore thought his run on Daredevil was, you know you'll buy it.

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