Marvel released the first issue of its three-part anthology series "Girl Comics" yesterday (you can read ComicsAlliance's review here) and in celebration of the release Jim Hanley's Universe in New York City hosted a signing for several of the book's creative team. Those on hand included artists Stephanie Buscema and Nikki Cook, writer Valerie D'Orazio, editor Jeanine Schaefer, associate editor Lauren Sankovitch, and assistant editors Sana Amanat and Rachel Pinnelas.

ComicsAlliance stopped by to see a good-sized turnout for the event and a lot of positive feedback for the work's creators. We've already talked to the editorial team, and so we took this opportunity to have a brief chat with the writer and artists in between signings.

Stephanie Buscema worked with writer Trina Robbins on a Venus story for the anthology. When editor Schaefer first saw Robbins' script, she immediately thought it was a perfect story for Buscema, who called it a "dream project." When asked what other character from the Marvel Universe she'd most like to work on, Buscema responded with an enthusiastic "Sue Storm!" before she'd heard the end of the question.

Writer Valerie D'Orazio and artist Nikki Cook worked together on "A Brief Rendezvous", a story D'Orazio described as "To Catch a Predator" for the Marvel Universe. She praised the support the project received from everyone at Marvel all the way up to the Editor-in-Chief, and was thrilled with the freedom she was given for her story. Although the two had never worked together before, D'Orazio said Cook immediately had an intuitive grasp and the story she was telling. While D'Orazio couldn't choose just one favorite Marvel character she'd want to work on, Cook was quick to pick Jubilee, added that she'd like to lose the yellow trench coat and re-envision the character as the sort of scene girl you'd expect to find bouncing off bathroom walls on a Friday night.

We've got a few more pictures from the event, and we'd like to thank the "Girl Comics" team again for taking the time to talk to us as well as Jim Hanley's Universe for hosting the event.

Jeanine Schaefer and Lauren Sankovitch

Sana Amanat and Rachel Pinnelas

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