Good Trouble, Necessary Trouble: John Lewis Talks ‘March’ on the Daily Show
The inspiring national treasure that is Georgia Congressman John Lewis appeared last night on The Daily Show to talk to Jon Stewart about March Book Two's release as well as his experiences in the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the march in Selma, in which Lewis participated and received a fractured skull for his troubles. As the last year has shown through events such as the killing of Michael Brown and the subsequent treatment of protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, racism and injustice are still very present in American society, and the March books by Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell, couldn't be more timely or more necessary.
Lewis has been a witness to racism in America first hand in the 20th and 21st centuries, and continues to be a voice for equality today. It's wonderful that he sees comics as a way of inspiring the next generation to speak up and get into what he refers to on The Daily Show as "good trouble, necessary trouble." It's especially refreshing to hear someone from outside comics talk about using comics to reach young people, rather than assuming that they only appeal to children.
While Lewis doesn't talk a great deal about the March books, the video is absolutely worth watching to hear his remembrances of his early work in Civil Rights. You can view the clip here. (Technical difficulties at Comedy Central mean that we're unable to embed the video.)
I dare you to watch this clip and not feel inspired by the congressman's words.
March: Book One and March: Book Two are available now, published by Top Shelf.
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