This October, Boom! Studios' ongoing Adventure Time title by writer Ryan North and artists Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb will get expressive covers raised by wolves, charging into the future, posing for an anime style photo op and gazing across a sea of sprawling color. Emily Partridge, Ryo Nishiguchi, Wes Craig and CA's own Sarah Horrocks are all bringing their brand of stylized art to the Land of Ooo on Adventure Time #21 covers, and you can take all of their handiwork in after the cut.

From Boom!'s official solicitation info:

It’s another crazy adventure with our favorite heroes of Ooo. Join Finn and Jake as they protect their friends from the Ice King...who isn’t really a bad guy...he’s just kind of sad sometimes. But that’s okay because Finn and Jake aren’t sad, and that’s what makes them our heroes! Jump into fantastical world, with adventures, lessons, and sometimes princess farts.

You can see all four Adventure Time #21 covers below.


Emily Partridge
Sarah Harrocks
Ryo Nishiguchi
Wes Craig

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