When it comes to Fox's X-Men movie trilogy, X-Men: The Last Stand isn't exactly the most beloved installment -- and with good reason -- but that lovable sonnuva gun Hugh Jackman still managed to shine in it as Wolverine. Capitalizing on Jackman's innate charms, Hot Toys is bringing a 1/6 scale of the actor in his 2006 X3 role to toydom in the first quarter of 2013 for roughly $215-245, depending on the retailer. It's a little weird that this figure follows HT's release of a more civilian style figure of Wolvie from the 2009 X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but it should sufficiently scratch the collector itch to pick him up in more superhero-y duds. It's a fairly standard 12" HT figure, coming equipped with an assortment of swappable hands and a specially-tailored costume. Fans of X3 will be stoked to see the figure's destroyed Sentinel head base, however. You can scope out the latest batch of press photos for the X-Men: The Last Stand 1/6 scale Wolverine figure form Hot Toys after the jump.

[Via Hot Toys]

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