Stunning New Version of ‘The Incal’ Animated Trailer Must Be Watched [Video]
In the 1980s, director Pascal Blais hoped to adapt the spectacular sci-fi comic The Incal by Moebius and Alejandro Jodoswsky into an animated movie, and created a trailer with the help of several artists who had worked on the Heavy Metal movie. While the Incal movie never came to fruition, that initial footage remains a delight to fans, albeit a vintage and slightly grainy one. Recently, however, Pascal Blais Studios decided to update the Dark Incal trailer using modern digital techniques, and the result is stunning.
From John Difool's dramatic plummet towards the Great Acid Lake from Suicide Alley to his battle with the Cardioclaw in the Techno-Citadel, the newly polished footage is remarkably gorgeous, and as faithful to original as ever. This is absolutely mandatory viewing for fans of The Incal, or anyone who would like to instantly become one. Full-screen viewing recommended.