The Cover Of Jeff Smith’s ‘RASL’ #2 Becomes Edible As Birthday Cake Fan Art
Cable television's relative deluge of cake-centric programming may have many weary of boisterous bakery personalities, but there's no denying they've reinforced the notion that sweet breads and their edible cohorts make a delicious medium of art. Case in point: 17-year-old Will's birthday cake decorated in the style of Jeff Smith's "RASL" #2.
The cake, from Smith's official Boneville Web site, is part of a collection of fan art that include a cute Bone amigurumi, along with some fun Bone drawings, but I have to agree with The Comics Reporter that this cake stands out.
I like this cake for a lot of reasons - the most prominent, of course, being that it looks delicious -- but I'm also a fan of young Will's haircut, which bears at least a few similarities to my own. Alas, I decorated few cakes worthy of artistic attention in my teenage years.
You win this round, Will.[Via The Comics Reporter]