John Cassaday, Ben Templesmith and Brandon Graham Adapt Neil Gaiman Poem for Threadless & CBLDF
If you were not previously aware, geek fashion haus Threadless has a line called Comics-On Tees which depicts a comic book story across a series of t-shirts, usually drawn by a different artist for each shirt and from a story by a single writer. The latest Comics-On Tees is especially cool, as it not only benefits the crucial work of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund but is also an adaptation of "The Day The Saucers Came," a poem by comics legend Neil Gaiman. It's been adapted for comics/fashion by some great artists, too: John Cassaday (Planetary, Astonishing X-Men), Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Choker), Brandon Graham (King City, Prophet) and design outfit (no pun intended) Estudio Verso.
Published in Gaiman's Fragile Things collection of short stories and poems, The Day the Saucers Came tells an appropriately fantastic story that concerns flying saucers (obviously), zombies, Ragnarok, serpents, fairies, and all the sorts of things you'd really like to see these artists draw. You can hear Gaiman read the poem (accompanied by a fan-made film) in the YouTube clip above.
This series of Threadless Comics-On Tees is in partnership with the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, the non-profit which seeks to protect free speech rights for comic book creators, publishers, retailers and other professionals. 25% of each t-shirt's sales will go toward the CBLDF, and you can purchase them right now at Threadless. To learn more about the CBLDF, please visit their website here.