‘Justice League’ Snyder Cut Ending Will Set Up Potential Sequel
We’re just a few months away from the release of Zack Snyder's Justice League on HBO Max. The director’s cut of the ill-fated 2017 movie will be released as a four-part miniseries, and then potentially altogether as a single film. We can expect to see a lot of changes in Zack Snyder’s cut of Justice League, following months of reshoots and retooling. According to director Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats), the new version of the DC film opens up the possibility for even more Justice League sequels.
On his podcast Fatman Beyond, Smith revealed some inside information regarding the ending “I happen to know that the ending that he’s got for the Snyder Cut is very not a cul-de-sac,” said Smith. “It takes it to a weird neighborhood, but it’s not a cul-de-sac. You can keep f—ing going with the story based on what I’ve heard from a friend.”
While Smith’s info is certainly abstract, it does give us some insight into where Zack Snyder's Justice League will take us in terms of story structure. Rather than tie things up nicely at the end, the movie will leave some room for a potential follow-up in the future.
That being said, it’s unlikely that Snyder's vision for the DCEU will continue past Justice League. With The Batman and a series of HBO Max spinoff series in production, DC has already planned out its next moves, which includes a cinematic multiverse. Ultimately, the Snyder Cut of Justice League is about reversing the shortcomings that plagued the original, not restructuring the DCEU altogether.
The Snyder Cut of Justice League is expected to arrive on HBO Max in March 2021.
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