Knight’s In Plated Armor: Moon Knight’s New Batman-Flavored Look
It's one of the worst-kept secrets in comic shop squabbles: Moon Knight is kind of like Batman. It's cool though, because most fans tend to really dig both heroes (well, when MK is acting heroic anyway).
Comic Vine may not think the characters are similar enough to warrant the constant fan comparison, but the Fist of Khonshu's latest look within the pages of Marvel's upcoming "Vengeance Of The Moon Knight" by Gregg Hurwitz and Jerome Opeña seems pretty, well, Batman-flavored.
There's nothing wrong with that; Moon Knight's plated armor and new gadgets achieve the goal of looking rad without denying the very subtle, but constant influence of that other knight. That's how fans like it.
And really, Christian Bale's "The Dark Knight" duds were meant to look like a suit a real-life madman would don to beat up criminals in, which is kind of Marvelish in its way. So the whole thing is really kind of one big love-in for crazy guys who punch the concept of crime. Nice suits all around!
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