Link Ink: More ‘The Walking Dead’ Action Figures, ‘Batman: Arkham City’ to be Single-Player Only and The Simpsons Visit ‘Quake III’
Gaming: Contrary to early rumors, Rocksteady Studios has confirmed that Batman: Arkham City will be single player only. [Joystiq]
Threads: Tara McPherson's Cotton Candy Machine retail store is opening in Brooklyn on April 1, but you can check out some of the store's merch designs now at McPherson's official web site. [SeenAllOver]
Movies: Dragon Ball: Evolution writer Kazuaki Kiriya deflates rumors of a sequel in regard to an IMDB listing. That's okay with us. [Kotaku]
History: Before there was Fear Itself, there was... Fear Itself? [iFanboy]
Video: Daniel Kramer's take on Dean Haspiel's The Angel makes the average motion comic look like teenage poetry. [Hero Complex]
Art: Kristin Palach gives Hellboy everything his heart desires. [Super Punch]
Video: YouTuber breisgaubrasilianer pretty much wins for best Quake III mod. I kind of wish he'd put The Simpsons' theme song to his video, though. [BoingBoing]
Statues: Kotobukiya's Bishoujo line expands with new versions of Marvel and DC's leading ladies. [Nerdstock]