Movies: Empire has scads of new character images from X-Men: First Class. They seem X-Men: First Classy. [Cinematical]

Fundraising: Dark Horse Comics is currently auctioning off an original piece of Hellboy art by Duncan Fegredo and other prizes to benefit tsunami relief in Japan. [Dark Horse]

Legal: Warren Beatty still has the TV and movie rights to Dick Tracy after winning a lawsuit against Tribune Co. Alas, he's almost 74 and we probably won't get a Dick Tracy 2: 2 Tracy 2 Furious out of the deal. [Deadline]

Fan Films: Super Unofficial has released its new Black Canary short, which is part of a wider series of DC hero adventures known as The Five Faces Project. [iFanboy]

Speaks For itself: Thank you, Reddit.

Plush: KnB Creations showcase the softer side of many comic heroes. [Super Punch]

Cosplay: Should you attempt Vó Maria's scaled-down Wolverine costume guide, we advise 3-pronged forks. [Blastr]

Gaming: One Piece Ulimited Cruise SP faces a release delay on the Nintendo 3DS due to this month's earthquake in Japan. [ANN]

Art: Peter Bagge illustrates the cover of the latest issue of Reason magazine with superheroic results. [The Beat]

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