Link Ink: The ‘DC Universe Online’ Holiday Event, Iron Man’s Sailor Moon Henshin And The ‘Adventure Time’ Happy Meal
Gaming: Larfleeze is back for DC Universe Online's annual "Season's Greedings" event. [DCUO]
Video: Anima CK's Sailor Moon style Henshin for Tony Stark makes for an invincibly fun Iron Man. [ANN]
Gaming: Robin Tim Drake has officially entered the Infinite Crisis arena. [Arcade Sushi]
Threads: Skottie Young's Free Comic Book Day 2014 t-shirt design looks a little something like this. [FCBD]
Drink: More Evangelion champagne is on its way to market to give you a Cruel Angel's Hangover. [ANN]
Adventure Time Happy Meal Toys
Toys: Adventure Time toys are coming up in the next McDonald's Happy Meal. [HappyMeal]
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