Today is Valentine's Day, and if you thought you could escape from hearts and flowers in the pages of your favorite comics, think again! Okay, admittedly, DC's New 52 might not seem the most lovey-dovey comics in the world, but that doesn't mean that there's not a burning passion for romance buried somewhere under there!

That's why today, I've sorted through the past six months of new titles to bring you Sixteen New 52 Valentines! From the Justice League battling Darkseid to Catwoman's alluring contortions, there's something there for everyone -- even if "romance" isn't quite what you're after this Valentine's Day!

Justice League:



Action Comics:

Justice League:

Justice League:

Batman: The Dark Knight:

Justice League:

Justice League:

Detective Comics:

Wonder Woman:


And finally, if subtlety's not really your thing...

Red Hood and the Outlaws:

Send them to your sweetheart today -- but keep in mind that ComicsAlliance cannot be held responsible for the immediate end of your relationship.

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