Official Play Arts Kai Wonder Woman, Batman And Green Lantern Figure Images Arrive

There were dozens of exciting action figure reveals during Toy Fair 2013, but perhaps surprisingly, one of our most popular posts came from covering Square Enix's new DC Comics Play Arts Kai figures. Featuring original costume designs, the decidedly manga/anime-style versions of Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and unpainted prototypes of Batgirl and the Flash seemed to polarize fans. Those still on the fence -- or even fans who have made up their minds -- will still probably enjoy getting a better look at Bats, Wonder Woman and GL in SE's official promo images. The promo images don't cover all of the 9(ish)" figure's pending accessories/extra hands or specify a release date, but it's likely that fans can expect them sometime after the Man of Steel PAK line drops in June, for around the same $80 price point. You can check out all the new promo images after the jump.
Green Lantern
[Via Cybergundam]
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