Poll: Which DC Woman Most Deserves Her Own Solo Book?
DC unveiled a post-Convergence line-up of titles last week that included two new solo titles for female heroes -- Black Canary, by Brenden Fletcher, Annie Wu, and Irene Koh; and Starfire by Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, and Emanuela Lupacchino. These books join the current line-up of Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Batgirl, and Harley Quinn. The publisher also announced the cancellation of Supergirl and Batwoman, leaving the number of DC solo titles starring women at a steady six.
Clearly DC can do better than that. The publisher has a wealth of great female characters that haven't headlined their own solo series recently, or in some cases at all. DC clearly knows that the audience for these heroes is out there, but maybe it doesn't know who its next headliner should be. So ComicsAlliance will give them a little help by asking you, the readers, to vote for the DC woman you think most deserves her own book. (Spoiler: We know they all do.)
We narrowed our selection down to eight of the most popular DC characters, all with passionate fan-bases. We excluded heroes who recently starred in books, including Huntress and Power Girl, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that those books will relaunch soon.
Big Barda created by Jack Kirby; Stephanie Brown created by Chuck Dixon and Tom Lyle; Cassandra Cain created by Kelley Puckett and Damion Scott; Lois Lane created by Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster; Renee Montoya created by Sean Catherine Derek, Laren Bright, and Mitch Brian; Poison Ivy created by Robert Kanigher and Sheldon Moldoff; Vixen created by Gerry Conway and Bob Oskner; Zatanna created by Gardner Fox and Murphy Anderson.
You can complain about the various options we left out that you personally feel very strongly about in the comments.
(Note that our count of solo titles with female leads excludes ensemble titles like Gotham Academy, two-handers like Superman/Wonder Woman, and digital-first titles like Wonder Woman '77 and Sensation Comics.)