Real Life Supervillain Rex Velvet Continues His Viral War Against Phoenix Jones [Video]
The surreal (and, yet, more real than most) battle for Seattle continues, it seems, as Seattle's self-styled super villain Rex Velvet has released another video teasing an upcoming showdown between good and evil... and, apparently, cats. Lots of cats.
In his latest video, the proudly mustachioed Velvet -- who expanded on his evil plans in an interview here at Comics Alliance just recently, even if he refused to spill all the beans on his machinations when given the chance like all good supervillains -- tries a couple of new tacks to defeat Seattle's real-life costumed vigilantes: a room full of cats and the demoralizing realization that Phoenix Jones gets all the press for himself, overshadowing everyone else in the Rainy City Superhero Movement. I suppose fans shouldn't be rooting for a supervillain, but there is something appealing about seeing IRL heroes forced to face the threat of a permanent handlebar mustache.
It'd be nice to think that superheroes are made of sterner stuff than could be defeated by a simple video, but let's be honest: This is a really fun, slick video. If Seattle's superheroes are easily swayed and pay too much attention to that hypnotic swirl in the background of a couple of shots, who knows what could happen next...?