‘Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark’ Musical Gets a New Ending
If there's one thing I've learned from reading reviews for Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, it's that the show's stunts = good, ending = bad. Based on that anecdotal generalization, the New York Times had some pretty exciting news for those still willing to shell out $150ish to see the mega-delayed production when it opens on March 15. There's a new aerial ending!From NYT:
The new finale includes a freshly conceived flying sequence in which the character Peter Parker/Spider-Man is airborne, flying around the Foxwoods Theater in a triumphant manner, according to a member of the production team.
The new finale was reportedly performed by Matthew James Thomas during a preview performance matinee yesterday, followed by primary Peter Parker actor Reeve Carney later in the evening. No new injuries have been reported since then, which Spider-fans can all take as a win at this point.
[Via Robot6]
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