Parting Shot: Supergirl & Batgirl Confirm Everyone’s Crushing on Batman [Webcomic]
The cartoonist behind the Cleopatra in Space webcomic and a fixture in ComicsAlliance's Best Art Ever (This Week) series, Mike Maihack is back with a new one-page strip in which DC Comics heroines Supergirl and Batgirl discuss an inescapable attraction to Batman. Maihack previously depicted the Girl of Steel and the (Yellow-) Caped Crusader as part of the exceptionally cool DC Fifty-Too project, where indie cartoonists created their own versions of the DC relaunch, and in another fashion-conscious strip that highlighted Supergirl's endless array of outfits.
In the new strip, Supergirl puts Barbara Gordon in front of the fitting room mirror... of the soul.
For more Mike Maihack, check out Cleopatra in Space, Tori Amos' Comic Book Tattoo and Archaia's forthcoming Jim Henson's The Storyteller.