
It’s Barbara Gordon-Meets-Nancy Drew In Adam Watson’s ‘The Batgirl Mysteries’ [Art]
It’s Barbara Gordon-Meets-Nancy Drew In Adam Watson’s ‘The Batgirl Mysteries’ [Art]
It’s Barbara Gordon-Meets-Nancy Drew In Adam Watson’s ‘The Batgirl Mysteries’ [Art]
Fans seem to love Barbara Gordon no matter her role is in the DC Universe, but most are especially fond of her earliest adventures as the brightest member of the Dark Knight family. This love has recently resulted in the character returning to costumed crimefighting as Batgirl in DC's New 52 and bonding with her buds in DC Nation's Super Best Friends Forever shorts on Cartoon Network...
What if Dr. Seuss Created ‘Star Wars’?
What if Dr. Seuss Created ‘Star Wars’?
What if Dr. Seuss Created ‘Star Wars’?
digg_url = '//'; tweetmeme_url = '//'; tweetmeme_source = 'comicsalliance'; The whimsical speech of Jedi Master Yoda may have progressed from endearingly eccentric to Jar-Jarringly annoying in recent years and in recent films, but the 900-year-old's memorable dialogue and that of other characters fr