Bill Watterson, the legendary creator of the beloved 'Calvin and Hobbes' comic strip, has returned to the comics pages in Stephan Pastis' 'Pearls Before Swine.'
It's been months since Wacom took to its social media accounts to tease its mysterious upcoming "on-the-go dream device" -- an HD graphics tablet with a pressure-sensitive pen, multi-touch, and "other valuable features that you haven’t seen in other tablets" -- leaving many in the comics biz yearning for more info before they, say, spend a bunch of money on a Cintiq or Yiynov
It's no secret that newspapers in print aren't doing so hot these days, a fact that has put the hundred year tradition of comic strips (plus Sudoku and the Junior Jumble) in danger. For some strips, the cold embrace of oblivion would likely be a welcome relief from the horrors of life, but as you might expect, a few others are a little more wary of their impending extinction...
Normally, we'd leave this sort of thing to the great Josh Fruhlinger of The Comics Curmudgeon, but DC's upcoming "Wednesday Comics" prompted us to take a look at the newspaper comics page and have a few laughs. Instead, we were surprised to find strips so relentlessly soul-crushing that even Chris Ware would be jealous...