
Death Dealers And Destroyers: A Tribute To Frank Frazetta
Death Dealers And Destroyers: A Tribute To Frank Frazetta
Death Dealers And Destroyers: A Tribute To Frank Frazetta
When you think of fantasy art, and in particular of the kind of paintings that have long been a mainstay on the covers of mass market paperbacks, you're either thinking of Frank Frazetta or someone who was directly influenced by his work. Featuring violent barbarians, scantily clad sorceresses, and armies of ogres, Frazetta's art is the very definition of fantasy artwork, because it was his work in the 1960s and '70s that redefined it. Every artist, and particularly every painter, who has dabbled in Sword and Sorcery illustration in the last fifty years is either drawing on Frazetta or reacting against him.
Conan Returns in Digital Comic Set in World of 'Conan Exiles'
Conan Returns in Digital Comic Set in World of 'Conan Exiles'
Conan Returns in Digital Comic Set in World of 'Conan Exiles'
As of late, Conan's comic adventures have been infrequent though glorious. The character created by Robert E. Howard in the '30s is still popular enough to get new stories every now and then however, and the Cimmerian still shows up in other media like films and games as well. In fact, Conan's next comic journey will actually tie into his upcoming video game, Conan Exiles.
Making History All His Own: Celebrating the Great Roy Thomas!
Making History All His Own: Celebrating the Great Roy Thomas!
Making History All His Own: Celebrating the Great Roy Thomas!
Dedicated fan, influential creator, esteemed editor, respected historian; the legendary Roy Thomas, born November 22, 1940, has assembled one of the comics medium's most diverse and wide-ranging resumes over the course of his six-decade-plus career. From helping to establish the groundwork for organized comic fandom in the early '60s, to his much-loved stints writing many of Marvel and DC's best-beloved characters, to his modern-day work as editor and author of numerous reference works, he's long been one of the most knowledgeable and passionate voices in the industry.
Fantastic Five: Best Fantasy Heroes
Fantastic Five: Best Fantasy Heroes
Fantastic Five: Best Fantasy Heroes
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. For some reason, everyone on this site seems to be talking about fantasy stuff this week, so I thought it would be a cool idea to count down the five best heroes of sword and sorcery, battle axe and chainmail bikini.
Rogues' Gallery: Conan The Barbarian's Top Ten Villains
Rogues' Gallery: Conan The Barbarian's Top Ten Villains
Rogues' Gallery: Conan The Barbarian's Top Ten Villains
A hero is defined by their villains, and the world of superhero comic books is filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of your favorite superheroes, and we need your help to do it! You voted to see who Conan‘s ultimate arch-enemy was, and we’ve tabulated the results and assembled a video counting down the definitive top 10. Did your favorite make this list? There’s only one way to find out!
Rogues' Gallery: Who Is Conan's Greatest Enemy? [Poll]
Rogues' Gallery: Who Is Conan's Greatest Enemy? [Poll]
Rogues' Gallery: Who Is Conan's Greatest Enemy? [Poll]
In terms of fantasy characters that have made a huge impact in the world of comics, you don't get much bigger than Robert E. Howard's conquering hero Conan. Over the years, the Cimmerian has built up an impressive list of enemies throughout The Hyborian Age, but which one is his most deadly foe?
On The Cheap: Dark Horse's 30th Anniversary Humble Bundle
On The Cheap: Dark Horse's 30th Anniversary Humble Bundle
On The Cheap: Dark Horse's 30th Anniversary Humble Bundle
In 1986, Dark Horse launched with an anthology title called Dark Horse Presents and a book called Boris the Bear. Thirty years later Dark Horse has gone from a small piece of the '80s indie boom to one of the biggest and most successful independent comics publishers in the industry. Along the way it has published Conan the Barbarian (and still does), Star Wars (but not anymore, despite doing great work with the license), and Mike Mignola's Hellboy universe (still a cornerstone of the line). Now Dark Horse and Humble Bundle are celebrating the former's 30th anniversary with a really extensive Comics Bundle of Dark Horse books.
Superhero Color Theory: The Outliers
Superhero Color Theory: The Outliers
Superhero Color Theory: The Outliers
What does your favourite superheroes' colors tell the audience about their personalities? Using the same color theory people use to group-think a corporate logo, or paint their room, we've been exploring what it means to superhero comics. Last time we mentioned that The Invisible Woman's blue and white is wise, and elemental, but what does invisible mean as a color? The Wasp's one constant through her many costume changes has been her transparent, flighty wings. And while Kitty Pryde, who also can't seem to settle on a costumes (or a name), isn't transparent as a color, she does actually pass through things.
If You Love Watching 'Game Of Thrones', Read These Comics Next
If You Love Watching 'Game Of Thrones', Read These Comics Next
If You Love Watching 'Game Of Thrones', Read These Comics Next
Game of Thrones has returned, and though now in its sixth season, it remains one of the most riveting and talked about shows on television. Even after all this time and all this death, we’re still tuning in, hoping against hope that our faves don’t get brutally murdered, and maybe that someone rides on a dragon. Fantasy stories have been appearing in comics since near the very beginning of the medium, and there are so many great stories and series to choose from for fans looking for more of a fantasy fix. We’ve picked out five of the best independent and creator-owned comics to keep you going through the week as you wait for more episodes of Game of Thrones.
100 Spectacular Comic Book Movie Behind the Scenes Pictures
100 Spectacular Comic Book Movie Behind the Scenes Pictures
100 Spectacular Comic Book Movie Behind the Scenes Pictures
The comic book movie craze may have exploded in recent years, but there have been movies and TV shows based on our favorite comics for decades. For all the action we see on screen, however, we hardly ever get to see behind the curtain at how it all comes together. Fortunately, we've managed to uncover dozens of behind the scenes images from your favorite comic-inspired movies. From The Dark Knight to Dredd, and Conan to Kick-Ass, we now have a little bit of an idea of what life was like on set during the creation of these beloved adaptations.

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