Conan Returns in New Digital Comic Set in the World of ‘Conan Exiles’
As of late, Conan's comic adventures have been infrequent though glorious. The character created by Robert E. Howard in the '30s is still popular enough to get new stories every now and then however, and the Cimmerian still shows up in other media like films and games as well. In fact, Conan's next comic journey will actually tie into his upcoming video game, Conan Exiles.
Written by Michael Moreci, with art from Jose Luis and Andy Owens, the Conan Exiles comic will be a digital exclusive series published by Dark Horse. Developed by Funcom, Conan Exiles is an upcoming open-world survival game that puts you in the realm of Conan, though not in his shoes directly. The title will enter early access on PC early next year, and so far has shown to be a rather brutal experience, which would would expect when trying to survive in a fantasy world filled with barbarians, beasts and more.
The comics will feature stories taking place in the game's Exiled Lands, and help shape the world the players will occupy. It's not clear if the books will focus entirely on Conan's adventures in this game universe, but it certainly would make sense to build the canon of Conan Exiles by showing the barbarian king exploring the wastes.
The Conan Exiles comic will be available digitally from Dark Horse beginning in January. Conan Exiles will be available in early access on PC beginning January 31. If you can't wait that long for more, this Friday, Conan Exiles' Creative Director Joel Bylos and Community Manager Jens Erik Vaaler will debut new gameplay from the upcoming title. In that stream, Funcom's developers will offer a glimpse at the Wheel of Pain along with other elements, ahead of the early access launch.