Movies: Guardians of the Galaxy star Dave Bautista has posted a behind-the-scenes image of him as Drax... doing something underwater? Or maybe it's to simulate space? Either way, he's Draxin' it up.
Cosplay: This sweet cat hack (or... catspl...
When I was nine years old, I literally begged my parents for Capcom's Ducktales game for the NES. It was all I wanted for Christmas, and fortunately for me, it ended up being one of the greatest games of the era, to the point where it's still my gold standard for games built around running to the right and jumping on bad guys' heads. That said, you can imagine how thrilled I was when Capcom announ
You know, much as I love video games, I could probably stop paying attention to PAX East new the rest of the weekend and be content. Why? Twenty long years since the release of DuckTales 2 on NES and Game Boy, Capcom and WayForward (and Disney) have announced DuckTales Remastered...