Judge Dredd Takes On Fairlyhyperman In 'Cape & Cowl Crimes'
As much as it might be the story of an unstoppable crime-fighter in a colorful costume who's occasionally called on to deal with world-shattering cosmic threats, I think it's fair to say that Judge Dredd isn't really a superhero comic. I'm not sure what the line is, but there's just something about him that separates Mega City One's most famous lawman from his more traditionally justice-minded cousins --- and never has that distinction been more evident than in the pages of Judge Dredd: The Cape & Cowl Crimes.
Set for release on April 11, the new paperback collects 160 pages of classic stories of Dredd dealing with costumed vigilantes, and you can read the entire first chapter --- in which Dredd has an encounter with the moderately super, mildly bulletproof Fairlyhyperman --- below right now!