With almost 300 issues in the core series, Archie's Sonic The Hedgehog stands as the longest-running uninterrupted American monthly comic book that's currently being published. In Hedging Your Bets, I attempt to get up to speed on Sonic the Hedgehog, challenging the odds to hopefully make it all the way to the finish line.
This week, the Sonic/Mega Man crossover continues, with inside jokes, good guys turned bad, and the setup for the final act!
With Hedging Your Bets, Chris Sims attempts to get up to speed on the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, challenging the odds to hopefully make it all the way to the finish line.
This week, we get a look at Sonic's origin with Genesis, and I'm even more confused than I was when we started.
In Hedging Your Bets, Chris Sims attempt to get up to speed on Sonic the Hedgehog, the longest running uninterrupted American monthly comic on the stands, in the hopes of making it all the way to the finish line.
This week, we get started at Sonic #221, and folks... I have questions.