Buy This Book: Paul Tobin And PJ Holden's 'Gunsuits'
When your comic is called Gunsuits, there's really only one way it can go. I mean, yes, it suppose that it could be about white-collar executives in the firearms industry, but unless those executives are supplying weapons to the forces of Cobra, I have to imagine that's going to be a pretty hard sell. No, it pretty much has to be a book about heavily armed giant mech suits, preferably with chainsaws for hands, and on that front, Gunsuits most certainly delivers.
But in the two issues currently out, as part of a push into comics by the publishers of Famous Monsters magazine, Paul Tobin and PJ Holden are going a little deeper, taking that same story of robot suits against interdimensional invaders story that we've seen time and time again, and building something new around one of the most fun and fresh twists that I've read in a good long while.