
New ‘Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat’ Trailer Showcases Squirrel Girl [Video]
New ‘Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat’ Trailer Showcases Squirrel Girl [Video]
New ‘Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat’ Trailer Showcases Squirrel Girl [Video]
It may not require much actual drawing to play through, but THQ's upcoming Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat does cast players in the role of a new Marvel Comics artist working feverishly to complete a six-issue miniseries. Rather than mashing buttons ala the '95 classic Comix Zone, Comic Combat calls on players to steer the action of a cluster of characters by swiping around on a uDraw pen tablet...
Link Ink: ‘Arkham City’ Batarang Game Controllers, Actors With Their Action Figures and Conan’s Dad Swings Mightily
Link Ink: ‘Arkham City’ Batarang Game Controllers, Actors With Their Action Figures and Conan’s Dad Swings Mightily
Link Ink: ‘Arkham City’ Batarang Game Controllers, Actors With Their Action Figures and Conan’s Dad Swings Mightily
Gaming: This fall Power A will release batarang-flavored controllers for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in honor of Batman: Arkham City. Awesome: Gamma Squad's put together a super fun gallery of actors meeting their action figure selves that you will want to see, pronto...
Link Ink: Grant Morrison and More Help ‘Illuminate Parkinson’s’, ‘Marvel Universe Online’ Gets a Logo and Robert Langridge Covers ‘Thor’
Link Ink: Grant Morrison and More Help ‘Illuminate Parkinson’s’, ‘Marvel Universe Online’ Gets a Logo and Robert Langridge Covers ‘Thor’
Link Ink: Grant Morrison and More Help ‘Illuminate Parkinson’s’, ‘Marvel Universe Online’ Gets a Logo and Robert Langridge Covers ‘Thor’
Fundraising: Alan Amato's planned "Illuminate Parkinson's" touring art show, which is designed to raise awareness about the disease, is currently seeking donations. Grant Morrison, Neil Gaiman and more have lent their support by appearing in gallery photos...