
‘X-Men’ Spinoff ‘New Mutants’ Conceived as a Trilogy
‘X-Men’ Spinoff ‘New Mutants’ Conceived as a Trilogy
‘X-Men’ Spinoff ‘New Mutants’ Conceived as a Trilogy
It may be a while before we see another sequel in the core X-Men film series, but Fox has a few exciting prospects to keep the franchise kicking along, including Logan, Deadpool 2 and, last but far from least, Josh Boone’s New Mutants spinoff. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the writer and director says he and co-writer Knate Gwaltney originally pitched the project as a trilogy — a concept that’s hardly far-fetched for a few reasons, not the least of which being that the studio kind of needs some new and engaging X-Men properties to keep things fresh. There’s only so many times you can reboot those guys.
Mysterious ‘X-Men’ Movie Will Shoot in Spring 2017
Mysterious ‘X-Men’ Movie Will Shoot in Spring 2017
Mysterious ‘X-Men’ Movie Will Shoot in Spring 2017
The future was looking bright for the X-Men franchise after Bryan Singer revived it with First Class, but after this summer’s Apocalypse, it’ll take a lot to get the mutants back on their feet. The upcoming Wolverine solo joint Logan will see Hugh Jackman comb his hair into ears for one last ride, but after that it’s anyone’s game. Today, we hear there’s a new X-Men movie shooting sometime next spring, but which one is it?
Best Covers Ever (This Year): Marvel Comics 2016 Edition
Best Covers Ever (This Year): Marvel Comics 2016 Edition
Best Covers Ever (This Year): Marvel Comics 2016 Edition
It’s that blessed time of the year where we all try to take stock of what we’ve done with our lives and what other people have created that we enjoyed. That's right, it's time to start putting together our "Best of 2016" lists, and today we're going to take a look at the Best Marvel Covers of 2016.
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: What To Buy The Ultimate X-Men Fan
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: What To Buy The Ultimate X-Men Fan
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: What To Buy The Ultimate X-Men Fan
While holiday cheer can take different forms for everyone, is there anything more in keeping with the season than plopping on the couch and cozying up to the "Have Yourself a Morlock Little Christmas" episode from the '90s X-Men animated series? I think not my friends. Gift giving isn't the easiest task, but if you have a hardcore X-Men fan in your life, we have some suggestions that might help.
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 12.05.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 12.05.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 12.05.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent. This week's selection of the best cosplay ever includes Wolverine, Star Wars' Mara Jade, Batwoman, RWBY's Ruby Rose, and more!
Rogues' Gallery: The X-Men's Top Ten Villains
Rogues' Gallery: The X-Men's Top Ten Villains
Rogues' Gallery: The X-Men's Top Ten Villains
A hero is defined by their villains, and the world of superhero comic books is filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of your favorite superheroes, and we need your help to do it! You voted to see who The X-Men‘s ultimate arch-enemy was, and we’ve tabulated the results and assembled a video counting down the definitive top 10. Did your favorite make this list? There’s only one way to find out!

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