The Darkness Level 4 coverTop Cow has provided Comics Alliance with a 5 page preview of the new The Darkness Level 4.

The Darkness: Level 4
(W) Paul Jenkins and David Wohl
(P) Patrick Blaine
(Cov) Dale Keown, Stjepan Sejic

Welcome to the world of The Darkness. In this special issue, find out what it means to be not the bearer of The Darkness, but part of the power itself. Through the eyes of the Schlog, the German darkling creatures in the hellish world of The Darkness, we'll see for the first time what it's like to serve The Darkness. This terrifying look into the inner workings of The Darkness brings a new level of horror to Jackie's world!

This special series, brought to you by The Darkness video game/comic scribe Paul Jenkins and The Darkness co-creator David Wohl, parallels the levels of the much anticipated video game by 2K, while bringing you original stories that show you a side of The Darkness you've never seen. These stand-alone stories can be enjoyed without the video game, but add a new level to the playing experience!
Cover A) Dale Keown
Cover B) Stjepan Sejic

Full Color 32 pages $2.99

Click the images below for a full sized preview.


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