Trailer Cats Sinks Its Hilarious Claws Into ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ [Video]
Movie trailers and cats. That's a solid 2/3 of your internet usage, it's a solid 2/3 of our internet usage. It's just the way things are, guys. Preying upon our collective tendencies, Trailer Cats has superimposed kitty faces atop the human actors in the latest trailer for The Dark Knight Rises (in addition to the Mission Impossible 4 and The Expendables 2 trailers). Oh, and just in case you're wondering how a kitty-fied trailer for The Dark Knight handles a certain feline-centric villain played by Anne Hathaway, the folks at Trailer Cats have got you covered. Behold the purest expression of internet usage you may ever encounter after the cut.
[Via Comic Book Movie]