2016 has been a magical year for the Scarlet Witch. Wanda stars in her own solo comic series by writer James Robinson and illustrated by a whole host of amazing artists, following the witch on her quest to heal what's left of magic in the Marvel Universe. In addition, Wanda makes her second appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe next month, standing alongside #TeamCap in Captain America: Civil War, with Elizabeth Olsen reprising the role.

Now fans of the much maligned and misunderstood character get a chance to show off their loyalty in style thanks to a new line of apparel and closet cosplay pieces from WeLoveFine.

The collection does a great job of embodying Wanda's aesthetic. Filled with dark colors such as maroon, black, and of course scarlet, the collection oozes witchy vibes. The artwork features Kevin Wada's signature redesign, while implementing some of the monochromatic covers from the current comic series, designed by David Aja and Vanesa Del Rey. The collection also includes some stylish dresses and capes, to further embrace that occultist chic.

Scarlet Witch has been one of the central leading ladies of Marvel since her introduction in Uncanny X-Men #4, quickly becoming one of the first mutants to join the Avengers while also transitioning from villain to a super hero. Despite her significant presence in the Marvel universe, Wanda rarely receives the recognition she deserves, so it's great to see her getting this sort of attention.

The collection features pieces for both men and women, and is currently made to order. You can purchase the collection here.



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