‘WHAM! BAM! ISLAM!’ Documents Reaction To Islam-Inspired Superheros ‘The 99′ [Video]
The 99 is a comic book series about a group of multi-ethnic superheroes with a basis in Islamic culture and faith. An animated series based on the comic was meant to debut in the United States last year, but was interrupted amid prejudicial outrage on behalf of some of the American media who characterized the work as a scheme to endear American children to Sharia law and Muslim scripture. The superhero group, who appeared in a crossover series with DC Comics' Justice League, was created by Muslim psychologist Naif Al-Mutawa not to promote radical Muslim values, but specifically to confront them, and to challenge the xenophobia preached by radical Imams.
The political and cultural climate of the world is such that an endeavor like Dr. Al Mutawa's has been met with quite a lot of resistance as well as positivity, and that journey is the subject of a new documentary. WHAM! BAM! ISLAM! will debut October 13 on PBS. Directed by Isaac Solotaroff, the film follows Dr. Al Mutawa as he tries to introduce his characters to Muslim children as well as defend the reputation of Islam in the West. Check out the trailer after the cut.Each of the heroes of The 99 represents one of the names or virtues of Allah, such as strength, mercy and wisdom, attributes that are valued by many faiths and cultures. Praised by U.S. President Barack Obama as embodying "the teachings of the tolerance of Islam," the young heroes also demonstrate these values in their fantastical adventures without any one character praying or even mentioning explicit Muslim scripture nor the Prophet Mohammed.
WHAM! BAM! ISLAM! documents Dr. Al Mutawa's struggles with reactions like that of The New York Post's Andrea Peyser, who wrote last year, "Cancel The 99 before it starts."
Hide your face and grab the kids. Coming soon to a TV in your child's bedroom is a posse of righteous, Sharia-com pliant Muslim superheroes -- including one who fights crime hidden head-to-toe by a burqa.
These Islamic butt-kickers are ready to bring truth, justice and indoctrination to impressionable Western minds.
Additionally, the film will detail negative reaction to The 99 from people and institutions within Muslim culture.