Wonder Woman Doesn’t Read Hentai… And That’s Okay
Last week's "Wonder Woman" #600 got the majority of its attention from drastically changing the direction of the book with a new gods-altered timeline, to say nothing of the debut of Jim Lee's controversial costume redesign. As iFanboy pointed out, however, those prominent shakeups were hardly the only worth noticing about the landmark issue.

Perhaps the most entertaining segment from WW 600 came from Amanda Connor, who pitted an assemblage of the Amazonian princess, Power Girl and Batgirl against a tentacle-mustached Chang Tsu AKA Egg Fu. The battle is won when PG compares Fu's look to disgusting "manga monster appendages." Apparently Wonder Woman hasn't run across any hentei in her adventures and that is resoundingly fine by us. Hopefully her jacket-wearing self is allowed the same innocence.
iFanboy's Conor Kilpatrick sums up WW's unfamiliarity pretty well, suggesting her friends keep her well away from, you know, the Internet. No joke. Her sisters in crime fighting should definitely keep her away from "Heroes For Hire" #13 while they're at it.
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