David S. Goyer: Wonder Woman Is ‘A Difficult Character To Crack’ In Movies

Here's the full quote:
I think Wonder Woman is a very difficult character to crack. More difficult than Superman, who is also more difficult than Batman. Also, a lot of people in Hollywood believe that it's hard to do a big action movie with a female lead. I happen to disagree with that. But that tends to be the prevailing wisdom. Hopefully, that'll change in the next few years. Who should play here (sic)? No idea...
That question, of course, led to a slew of casting suggestions including former MMA fighter Gina Carano, Tron: Legacy's Olivia Wilde, The Hunger Games' Jennifer Lawrence and, as one poster explained it, "someone more ripped and intimidating than hot. Like police women. Like a brunette, size 8 Dolph Lundgren."
There was also some discussion of just what would make a Wonder Woman movie or TV project work, but it's pretty clearly easier said than done. A TV series to be helmed by Boston Legal creator David E. Kelley reached the pilot stage in 2011, but never got further than that. It was also the target of some fairly harsh fan criticism. A few years before that, soon-to-be Avengers director Joss Whedon wrote a Wonder Woman script that never got made.
However, it certainly isn't impossible to make a live-action Wonder Woman audiences want to watch. The TV series starring Lynda Carter lasted three seasons, all of which had solid ratings.
Other questions Goyer took during his AMA dealt with whether he thinks movies are changing because of comics (he does), who came up with the "Die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" line from The Dark Knight (he doesn't remember), and Leonardo Da Vinci's sexuality in his new Starz series Da Vinci's Demons ("we will be exploring that").
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