Apocalypse-Themed Pin-Up Girl Calendar Offers An Alluring Take On Doomsday

Nuclear war, devastating climate change, alien invasion, a zombie attack or the rise of sentient machines -- there are just so many cool ways the world could come to an end. And as we all know, one or some combination of those and other apocalyptic scenarios was/is supposed to befall the planet Earth in 2012, in keeping with some sort of dubious conclusions based on the ancient Mayan calendar. Or something? I'm not really sure, I didn't see the movie. But along those lines, Russian artist Andrew Tarusov had the amusing idea of creating a 2012 wall calendar with each month depicting a different version of doomsday. Even better, Tarusov took inspiration from the apocalyptic visions of science fiction --including such doomsday visions as zombie plagues and alien invasions -- and the great pin-up girl illustrations of the 1940s and 1950s.

Citing legendary pin-up illustrator Gil Elvgren as an influence, Tarusov's work is cute, funny and very clever indeed. What you saw above are just some of our favorites, but you can see all 12 at the artist's website (some of them may be considered NSFW). He's taking Internet orders for print versions of his apocalypse calendar (only 750 rubles!), so be sure to get yours before we all perish in flame.
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