Just yesterday, The CW surprised us with a first full trailer for Legends of Tomorrow, but we’ll need Arrow and The Flash to get us there first by next week’s crossover. To wit, The CW has released a massive gallery of photos hyping the big teamup, both from Tuesday’s “Legends of Today” to Wednesday’s “Legends of Yesterday.” Yes, that seems strangely backward.

There’s plenty to see by the above photos, the first 26 of which belong to The Flash (despite largely taking place in the Arrow bunker), while the second half below sees both teams relocating Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee) and Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) after a savage attack from … well, Vandal Savage. Malcolm Merlyn will also be in the mix for some details of the new Legends big bad, but still no word on Barry’s mysterious robot hands.

So reads The Flash’s official synopsis for December 1 outing “Legends of Today,” followed on December 2 by Arrow installment “Legends of Yesterday”:

The Flash’s “Legends of Today”: In its second major crossover event with “Arrow,” Vandal Savage (guest star Casper Crump) arrives in Central City and sets his sights on Kendra Saunders (guest star Ciara Renée). After Vandal attacks Kendra and Cisco, they turn to Barry for help. Realizing how dangerous Vandal is, Barry takes Kendra to Star City and asks Oliver and team to hide her until he can figure out how to stop Vandal. However, things quickly go from bad to worse when a man with wings AKA Hawkman (guest star Falk Hentschel) shows up and flies off with Kendra. Meanwhile, Harrison develops a serum to make Barry run faster and asks Jay (guest star Teddy Sears) to test it out.

Arrow’s “Legends of Yesterday”: Oliver and Barry Allen take Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall to a remote location to keep them hidden from Vandal Savage while they figure out how to defeat him. Malcolm arranges a meeting between Vandal, Green Arrow and The Flash that doesn’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Felicity, Thea, Diggle and Laurel work with Team Flash to come up with a weapon powerful enough to destroy Vandal Savage.

Both Arrow and Flash will return next week, but what should we expect from the big Legends of Tomorrow setup?

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