Join Us at Emerald City Comicon For the ‘Ask ComicsAlliance’ Panel!
There's about a bazillion awesome reasons to head to Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this coming Friday through Sunday, but we have cause to get especially vocal about one in particular:
We're hosting our first ever ECCC Ask ComicsAlliance panel
Friday, March 4 at 4 p.m. in room 4C1-2!
Joining CA EIC Laura Hudson and Senior Editor Caleb Goellner will be special guests Adam Warrock and Curt Franklin and Chris Haley of Let's Be Friends Again for an hour of what's bound to be bloggy/webcomicy/rapping hijinks. We'll also be taking the time to answer your burning questions about all of the above live.Technomancy willing, Adam Warrock and the LBFA crew will be busting out their respective music/live art for all in attendance to enjoy. There's also awesome CA giveaways in store for those who summon mighty questions for the panelists.
You know what to do, right? Joiiinnnn Ussssssss!
See you there!