Warner Bros. has released the first official trailer for Batman: Year One, the forthcoming original animated feature by Warner Bros. Animation based on the classic graphic novel by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli. The video confirms earlier reports that executive producer Bruce Timm and directors Lauren Montgomery & Sam Liu set out to create and incredibly faithful adaptation of this most revered version of the Batman origin story, as you can see for yourself after the jump.The story of Bruce Wayne's earliest adventures as Batman, including his first meetings with James Gordon and Catwoman, Year One is notable for its grim inner monologues and beautiful artwork. Approximations of both have made their way into the animated film, whose trailer features the lines "This isn't about healing. I'm not looking for closure."

Starring Benjamin McKenzie as Bruce Wayne, Bryan Cranston as James Gordon, Eliza Dushku as Catwoman and Katee Sackhoff as Sarah Essen, Batman: Year One will premiere at Comic-Con International in San Diego on July 22. The film will go on sale on Blu-ray, DVD and other formats October 18. The home video release will come with a 15-minute supplemental feature starring Catwoman, which you can read more about here.

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