Best Art Ever (This Week) – 11.03.11

We make a regular practice at ComicsAlliance of spotlighting particular artists and/or specific bodies of work, but there's just so much great work on sites like like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and other countless blogs that we've created Best Art Ever (This Week), a weekly depository for just some of the virtually countless pieces of especially compelling artwork that we come across in our regular travels across the digital media landscape. Some of it's new, some of it's old, some of it's created by working professionals, some of it's created by talented fans, and some of it's endearingly stupid. All of it's awesome.
We're very much interested to see what you've dug up and think should be featured here in Best Art Ever (This Week). Please submit any great art links to andykhouri-at-comicsalliance.com. Artists, feel free to send in your own work - we won't judge you (publicly) - or to request that your work be removed.
SPOILER WARNING: Believe it or not, this post actually contains spoilers for the season 4 finale of Breaking Bad.
Wonder Woman by José Luis García-López from the collection of Peter Krause
Batgirl by Ben Hickling
"Library Cafe" by Matsukitchi
The Joker by HidaKuma
The Hulk and the Avengers by Lee Weeks
100 Bullets' Isabelle "Dizzy" Cordova by Dave Johnson
Black Canary by Dick Giordano
Batman by Brian Bolland
Tom Waits by Jason Horn
Aliens by Samuel Ho for Planet Pulp
Death by Mike McKone
Batman by Norm Breyfogle
Abe Sapien by Dave Stokes
Bane by Craig C. Cermak II
Supergirl by Hanie Mohd
Catwoman by Adam Hughes
Swamp Thing by Yanick Paquette
Art by Malika Favre
Winter Soldier by Gabriele Dell'Otto
Static by John Paul Leon
Donna Troy by George Pérez
The Seventh Doctor by Farel Dalrymple from the collection of Zack Smith
Edward Scissorhands by Stephanie Buscema for Planet Pulp
Birds of Prey by Phil Noto
Batman by Kelsey aka Roboworks
Art by Pat Perry
Jump City Diner Teen Titans and X-Men by Otis Frampton
Mordru by Arthur Adams
"Grim" by Luis Perez
Moss from The IT Crowd by Wayne Harris for Planet Pulp
Grendel by Matt Wagner
Trinity Mothers by Yasmin Liang
Art by YDK Morimoe
Batwoman by Paolo Rivera
Wonder Woman by Michael Netzer
Zombraham Lincoln by Adam McIver
Attack the Block by Alex Pardee
Alfred Hitchcock versus Angry Birds by Dan Eijah Fajardo aka Dandingeroz and Pedro Kramer aka Badbasilisk
Spider-Man by Karl Kerschl
Breaking Bad by Dennis Culver
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